Tuesday, April 20, 2010


At the end of college, in the spring of 2013 (if all goes as planned), I will have earned a BFA in Creative Writing and a BA in Philosophy. And no job prospects. But I'm not going to college to get a job, as odd as that may sound. I intended on sharpening my skills as a critical thinker and a creative writer. Writing is my job now and will be then.

But, I need to make money too. That's the reality. If I write the next Great American Whatever, then a "job" won't be necessary. But I don't write with that in mind. It would stifle me more than I'm already stifled creatively. It's all I would focus on. I would be trying to find the commercial angle to my ideas.

So I've decided to think seriously about teaching. Wow that sounded like "settling."

Okay. Teaching is something my father did for 40 years. Well, teaching that led to becoming a principal then a curriculum director. Anyway, my point is, I respect teachers and teaching. I don't mean to make it sound like I'm considering it professionally as a "fall back" like it's some sort of menial task. Like falling back on chocolate when you've run out of vanilla ice cream.

It would be a challenge. Especially at 45 when the great majority of teachers would be in their early 20s. I would be old enough to be their father, and old enough to be my students' grandfather. If I taught kindergarten I mean.

I would teach at the secondary level. Probably English. Or "Philosophical creative writing" given my major.

I don't know. I'm just babbling at this point. I've put the idea on the menu. As an option. We'll see.


  1. My brother (the professional student: because he has been in college {minus 2 years} since he was 18. He is now 37....),is getting his masters at UCLA, and teaches. he seems to love it...you remind me of him... because of your writing and witty sarcasm. I think you would make a great teacher.

  2. Ha! I'm the First follower!! And welcome back.

    I think you'd probably make a very, very good teacher, especially with your range of school experiences to draw from. That can bring you compassion and empathy, and students love to learn from people who they feel truly care about them.

    (Plus it is SO fun to get to stand in front of a captive audience and talk and talk. You get to make rules. You get to decide what everyone should read. You get to make odd jokes that only you and one bright student laugh at. Seriously, never dull!)

  3. And, Andy . . . . .don't look past the rewards. The students who come to life while bing mentored by you and your cautious instructing. I am a part time art teacher . . . .mostly to adults who crave the learning. Having had 'big jobs' in the corporate world, making good money, nothing has been as rewarding as teaching. You would be terrific, judging from your writing and your obvious caring.
